Cannabis Storage: The Dos and Don’ts

If you spend more than $300 on an ounce of marijuana at a dispensary, maintaining it is crucial. The greatest approach to keep your cannabis is to store it in a cool, dark place. Your cannabis may stay in good condition for more than a year if properly stored. Buy Grinders – Various Designs for your weed.

The art of storing marijuana properly is straightforward, but we’ll go through the theory in this post as well. We’ll consider five key elements and come to a conclusion about how best to store cannabis.

1 – Temperature

When the temperature is between 77 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit, molds and mildew can cause a lot of damage to organic matter. The terpenes and cannabinoids in your cannabis will dry out if exposed to higher temperatures. Your marijuana’s cannabinoids might be lost in as little as a few days if you try to smoke or vape it. It won’t be pleasant trying to smoke or vape such cannabis.

Extremely low temperatures, on the other hand, might impede the decarboxylation process (decarboxylation is the term for when THCA converts to THC). THC degrades over time to CBN, which has distinct effects. The ideal storage temperature range for cannabis is 60-68 degrees Fahrenheit. However, temperatures between 50 and 59 degrees F are also acceptable.

The refrigerator is a popular location for product storage, but there’s more to it than that. Apart from disrupting decarboxylation, there’s another problem. Moving cannabis back and forth between a fridge and room temperature may result in condensation. Mold growth is encouraged by the excess moisture present in this scenario.

2 – Light

When it comes to growing marijuana, it needs sunlight (and/or grow lights) during the natural development cycle. When cannabis is harvested, things change dramatically. Organic materials are broken down by UV rays, which will harm your cannabis.

DID YOU KNOW? Cannabis plants should not be exposed to excessive sunshine after harvest and curing due to UV damage.

According to a 1976 research published in the Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, light was the major cause of cannabinoid deterioration. They also discovered that cannabinoids remain viable for up to two years if kept correctly.

As a result, keeping your cannabis out of direct sunlight makes sense. Placing it in a cupboard or container is one way to do this. You may also use a dark glass container for additional UV protection. A locked cabinet or drawer are both good storage ideas. It’s possible to keep it in a basement as long as the area isn’t freezing or damp.

3 – Humidity

Cannabis, like any other plant, requires a certain amount of moisture to flourish and thrive. Over-watering is the same problem that cannabis farmers confront during the growth cycle (as well as during drying and curing processes). You must maintain control over the humidity in your storage space – otherwise, mold and mildew will develop.

If you’re not sure whether your cannabis is properly dried and cured, aim for a humidity level of 59% to 64%. In this range, the dried flower will keep its fragrance, flavor, strength, and color. When the humidity rises above 65%, marijuana is susceptible to mold growth. Mold development is unavoidable when the humidity rises above 75%.

Of course, you must also make sure that the humidity level does not drop too low. This happens when the trichomes on the marijuana become brittle as a result of being overly dry. The essential oils begin to deteriorate, and the cannabis loses its flavor and fragrance. Below 50 degrees Fahrenheit, the essential oils start to evaporate, making the cannabis less appealing.

A hygrometer can help you keep track of the humidity in your storage space. A humidity pack is also a good idea, but it must be replaced every few months.

4 – Oxygen

When growing marijuana plants, it’s critical to give them adequate oxygen. Mold might develop and yield will go down if there isn’t enough air circulation in a grow room.

Oxygen, on the other hand, is an adversary of marijuana when it comes to storage. The ideal technique for storing marijuana is to keep it in an airtight Mason jar. To ensure your cannabis gets some air every now and then, open it from time to time. This becomes increasingly crucial if your bud is still drying.

Exposing cannabis to too much air can speed up the deterioration process. As a result, some people seal their marijuana in vacuum bags for long-term storage. Marijuana may also be kept in special airtight containers that are specifically made for this purpose.

Airtight containers keep your cannabis’s chemical profile constant. However, using an excessively big container might be a disadvantage, even if it is sealed. Air takes up space in the container that isn’t occupied by your cannabis, and over a longer period of time this can cause oxidation problems. As a result, get a container that allows your marijuana to fit comfortably inside.

5 – Material & Storage Area

Your last consideration is the material used in your storage container. It’s worth paying a little extra for a glass container, since it has no negative impact on the plant matter. Using a low-cost plastic bag or box is a blunder. Plastic has an electrical charge that attracts trichomes.

Also, keep an eye on where you’re storing your marijuana. Putting it too close to heat-generating gadgets (for example computers) can damage it. Heat rises, so keep the cannabis in a low cabinet or shelf. If you have children or pets, get a lock.

Did you know that plastic has a natural static charge, which might attract trichomes from the plant and lower the strength of your flower?

Finally, minimize the amount of time that your cannabis is transported. Even minor variations in temperature and humidity might cause issues. Furthermore, frequent relocation may cause trichomes to fall off, lowering the potency.

Finally, keep your marijuana away from equipment like grinders and pipes. The resin and ash from cannabis burned will linger, eventually damaging the quality of your precious flower.

The Dos and Don’ts of Cannabis Storage


  • Keep cannabis at a comfortable temperature of around 70 degrees Fahrenheit. A temperature range of 60 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal, however 50 to 68 degrees is acceptable.
  • Keep your marijuana in a cool, dark location.
  • Ensure the humidity level is between 59 percent and 64 percent, but anything above 50% is acceptable.
  • Purchase a hygrometer to measure humidity, or else consider buying a humidity pack.
  • Reduce oxygen exposure to a minimum. If necessary, consider purchasing a vacuum pump attachment or specific storage jar.
  • If possible, store in a glass container (such as a Mason jar) and place it on a low shelf in a secured cabinet.
  • Keep your cannabis in the same position as long as possible. Movement creates friction, which might cause trichomes to slip away.


  • Put your cannabis in the fridge or freezer to keep it fresh. The temperature inside a fridge is too low, preventing decarboxylation. Placing cannabis in the freezer may cause trichomes to snap off.
  • Keep your cannabis stored near electronics.
  • Set your marijuana plants in direct sunlight. The cannabinoids and terpenes will be destroyed by UV radiation, reducing the potency of your product.
  • Allow the humidity to reach 65% or higher. Mold growth is nearly certain if the humidity in your storage area exceeds 75%.
  • Expose your cannabis to too much air
  • Use an unnecessarily large container.
  • Use a plastic container (the static from the plastic will attract trichomes, lowering the potency of the flower).
  • Store cannabis along with paraphernalia.

Final Thoughts on Proper Cannabis Storage

The temperature, humidity, light, oxygen, and container material you use to store your flower all impact how long your marijuana lasts. Cannabis can last for at least a year if stored correctly.

Please keep in mind that many of the storage rules for cannabis flower apply to other types of marijuana as well. Concentrates, tinctures, and edibles all deteriorate with time, humidity, light, and heat. Edibles are particularly susceptible to spoilage since they are edible items.

It’s best not to gamble with cannabis if you don’t have to. When it comes to storage, marijuana is durable enough to endure weeks of inefficiency. Invest in a glass Mason jar or another airtight glass container. Also, keep your cannabis tucked away in an accessible place such as a drawer or cabinet near the floor.

Finally, track temperature and humidity to ensure your cannabis is kept from the sun. You’ll be able to enjoy high-quality marijuana for months, if not years, if you follow these simple guidelines.

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