Desert Cannabis Strains

Growing cannabis in the heat and dryness of a summer sun can be tough. You can’t expect all strains to survive equally well under such harsh circumstances. However, certain cannabis strains have what it takes to thrive under greater freedom than usual in hot and dry conditions. We’ve put all of our strains through their paces in a variety of situations. So, if you’re searching for some tried-and-true autoflower cannabis seeds or feminized cannabis seeds to grow in a hot and dry climate, check out this unique collection!

How does a hot climate with low humidity affect cannabis?

In extremely dry or cold weather, moist air tends to accumulate on plant leaves and stems, causing them to crack. Some strains are more susceptible than others. Other plants can withstand hot, arid climate conditions while still producing high-quality harvests. Starting with the finest genetics for hot/dry, desert weather is crucial if you want your plants to survive lengthy periods of heat and drought.

In such circumstances, nutritional deficiency might be an issue, especially if the soil is dry and sandy. The following strains can withstand these conditions well, however do your best to improve soil conditions whenever growing outside. In hot, arid areas, intense sunshine is frequently a constant presence.

The cannabis cultivator who lives in hot, dry climates may benefit from using robust, long-lasting genes that don’t wilt.

Heatwaves, droughts, and high amounts of UV light can all be sources of stress for some strains.

So, if you want to get the most out of your crop in a warmer climate, choose plants that can handle it. We’ve compiled a list of the top strains for growing in hot weather below. These strains not only have genes that enable them to thrive at higher temperatures, but their lengthy blooming periods also make them ideal for long, warm summers.

There is a common thread running through all of these strains: they are all descended from the Haze family.

Everything will fall into place if you’re familiar with Haze. Breeders developed this variety in the 1960s under harsh sun conditions on Santa Cruz, California’s South Beach District. They built the groundwork for a diverse range of heat-loving strains using South American, Thai, Mexican, and South Indian genetics.

Quick Tips to Grow in Dry Climates

If you want to plant in a dry climate, there are a few simple methods that can help your plants stay healthy and hydrated during the hottest days. Here are some things you could try:

  • Choose the right strain: Choosing the best cannabis strains for a hot, dry environment will give your strain an edge in dealing with the harsh conditions.
  • A simple shade net: Patio covers will protect your plants from the most intense sunshine while also allowing enough light to reach them.
  • Use water-absorbing polymers: When the drought gets too severe, you can use your soil’s water reservoir by mixing a sufficient quantity of water-absorbing polymers into it.
  • Manually move plants: If your plants are in pots, move them to a shaded location during the hottest hours of the day to avoid heat damage.

Overall, the most crucial step is to pick the best cannabis strains for a desert climate in order to obtain the most effective plants feasible.

Best cannabis seeds to grow in a hot dry climate

Many outdoor growers in hot and dry climates select sativa cannabis seeds as the most natural option. In fact, many of them will be excellent choices that provide excellent outcomes.

Sativa strains thrive best in their ‘jungle’ environment of high temperatures, high humidity, and plenty of rainfall. If you’re planning to grow cannabis seeds in a hot, dry location, certain indica strains may be helpful. All of the Dutch Passion strains on this list are strong, dependable indicas that have been well-received by outdoor growers in hot, dry areas.

The following strains have all shown to perform well in hot and dry conditions. The autoflowering seed variety or the photoperiod feminised seed are both popular options. Both should give consistently high-quality results.

1. Shining Silver Haze

What does your summer holiday look like? Sowing Shining Silver Haze seeds if intense heat, dry soil, and lots of sunshine are concerns is a good idea. This sativa-dominant hybrid was developed by our breeders using Haze, Skunk, and Northern Light—a legendary trio known by most cannabis users.

The plant produces large, plump colas with brilliant hues of green, purple, and orange. Shining Silver Haze is a small but easily manageable strain that grows to be thick and plump. UV exposure helps stimulate secondary metabolite production (the chemicals that make growing cannabis worthwhile) in Shining Silver Haze. With a THC content of 21 percent and medium amounts of CBD, Shining Silver Haze delivers an alert high while weighing heavily on the body. Citrus, dirt, fruit, and pine are among the more delicious tastes present.

Shining Silver Haze, also known as Christmas Bush or Hazy Cross, is a strain that develops in containers, raised beds, or right in the ground. It grows to a height of 180–220cm when cultivated indoors. To keep her at the lower end of this spectrum, top her early on. Prepare enough jars to hold a yield of 600–650g/plant by mid-October if you have limited space or want to keep things quiet. In order to achieve the greatest results in a hot climate, we recommend laying down a thick layer of mulch to keep the soil cool and wet. Installing an irrigation system will also ensure continual hydration and good growth for plants.

2. Chocolate Haze

While looking for heat-resistant cannabis strains, keep in mind that you do not have to stick with the same fragrance, flavor, or impact as the original. Chocolate Haze is a unique variety native to hot climates. Her colas change color as she approaches maturity, becoming brown-green before finally releasing deep, sweet scents naturally. Many budding cannabis chefs and extract artisans cultivate this plant because it’s one of the few that can be used in edibles and concentrates without being overly harsh on users’ palates.

Chocolate Haze is a sativa-dominant hybrid (80% indica/20% sativa) with 20% THC and a variety of fruity, earthy, and, yes, chocolatey terpenes. It creates an elevated state of mind that’s ideal for curling up with a cup of coffee in the morning. How does she do in the heat of the day? Chocolate Haze adjusts well to hot climates. She needs a lengthy summer to fully develop her enormous colas. Chocolate Haze, like many Hazes, reaches up to 200cm if ungroomed. You can keep her at around 150cm if you choose to add topping and LST.

Sunflowers thrive in the light, but there are a few things you may do to keep her happy and productive. Drip irrigation will make your job much easier by keeping the root zone moist. Consider growing winter squash to provide a living cover crop that can shade the soil and reduce evaporation if you have enough room. You’ll be rewarded with a delectable carb-rich harvest at the end of the season, as well as your cannabis plant. Prepare to begin pruning 500g/plant increments throughout October.

3. Haze Berry

Another member of the Haze family tree, like its predecessors, is a lover of heat. Our team crossed two legendary kinds to achieve something both fruity and potent: Blueberry and Shining Silver Haze. The end result? Haze Berry—a slight sativa-dominant cultivar that uses blueberry, earth, fruit, and pepper to excite the taste buds. She provides a long-lasting, physically relaxing high with a THC content of 20% and moderate levels of CBD (17%).

Haze Berry’s fruity and pungent terpene profile only gets stronger under the sun’s rays. To maximise her performance outside, transplant this strain into raised beds or soil containers filled with organic matter. Once planted, apply a straw mulch and water well. By the end of the flowering stretch, plants will be roughly 160–180cm tall, making this heat-resistant strain a little shorter than the others on this list. Haze Berry develops up to 650g/plant of dense, potent bud over 9–11 weeks during her flowering period.

Pampas grass is a heat-loving grass, which makes her perfect for summertime use. She thrives in the heat and particularly in intense heatwaves. Consider keeping her well-watered during these times and putting up some shade cloth until the worst of the weather passes. Furthermore, if you notice high humidity during the flowering stage, you may need to defoliate it to prevent mould.

4. Amnesia Haze

Imagine if you were to come home after a long day at work on a hot summer’s evening, go out into the garden, remove your shoes, take a deep breath, and see resinous blooms reflecting the setting sun’s rays. These aren’t simply any buds, though; they’ve been in the garden all day in 30°C heat and yet they still appear (and smell) wonderful, with citrus waves emanating from them as you approach.

The trichomes really start to show once you’re within arm’s reach. These glandular structures contain a THC concentration of 22 percent, resulting in a melting body and elevating the mind. Sounds fantastic, doesn’t it? That’s just another day in the life of Amnesia Haze. This cultivar has the ability to deliver outstanding results, but she can’t do it alone. Prepare your soil for growing Amnesia Haze with organic materials that will keep nutrients contained and slowly release them over time.

We also encourage you to use the power of additional microorganisms, such as rhizobia and mycorrhizal fungus, to start nutrient circulation, prevent root infections, and improve soil structure over time. To feed soil organisms that will ultimately transform these materials into plant-available ionic nutrients, apply organic material like well-rotted manure, straw, or compost. By the end of October if you treat her with respect, Amnesia Haze may reach a height of up to 210cm and produce a bounty of up to 700g per plant.

5. Sour Diesel

What do you know? You don’t have to stick to Haze genetics in order to produce heat-resistant cannabis strains. Sour Diesel is also one of the greatest heat-tolerant cannabis strains available. This sativa champ weighs in from Original Diesel, Northern Light, Shiva, and Hawaiian genes.

Sour Diesel is a type of cannabis that has a strong sour flavor profile, which means it has a pungent aroma and can create dense and compact colas in hot climates to protect itself from UV radiation. Overall, Sour Diesel contains 19% THC and a terpene profile with scents of sour citrus, fruit, herbs, and pepper. Daytime smoking of these buds will help you focus more, relax physically, and stimulate your thoughts mentally.

For optimum results outside, set out Sour Diesel in no-till beds filled with companion species. Heat-loving plants such as basil will attract beneficial insects, while white clover serves as a living mulch to help keep the soil wet and cool. You’ll be able to grow Sour Diesel with these techniques if you want to reap the benefits of its heat tolerance. She’ll reward your efforts at the end of October when she delivers 550–600g/plant after harvest.

That’s all there is to it. If you’re in a hot environment and intend to cultivate marijuana, you already know five of the best strains for the job. These varietis not only thrive in heat, but they also have distinct characteristics, tastes, and effects.

Each cultivar, however, still benefits from some TLC and a helping hand in the face of high temperatures.

Using high-quality soil with organic matter and germs, drip irrigation, and various training and pruning methods to promote the development of your plants’ potential can really bring out the best in them.

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