Plant Leaves Turning Yellow With Brown Spots

Whether you’re a seasoned plant lady or an expert succulent killer, you know how difficult it is to care for your plant babies. You can do everything correct—water them, place them by a window, integrate them into your daily routine, give them names and tell them how beautiful they are every morning (just me?)—and yet, your plant’s leaves might begin to yellow.

We turned to a few green-thumbed experts to determine why those plant leaves are turning yellow (there are seven primary reasons) and what you can do to keep your potted plants looking lush and verdant.

Reasons That Could Explain Why Your Plant Leaves Are Turning Yellow:

The Plant Needs More Water

It’s possible that the roots of your plants aren’t getting enough water, causing the leaves to become yellow. If you’re just watering the top of the soil, this might happen. To solve this problem, fill up your sink with 2-4 inches of water and set the plant in there for 30 minutes to soak up any moisture from the bottom. Drain out the sink and allow the plant to rest there for a minute or two while allowing additional water to flow down. Repeat every four weeks.

The Plant is Overwatered

The color and tone of the yellow in your plant’s leaves may provide you some hints as to what it needs. If your plant’s yellow leaves appear dull and lifeless, Luz LeStrange, a plant consultant at The Well, claims that it might be indicating that it is receiving too much water. Roots require air just like humans do; according to Mast, when we become a little water happy, the roots of the plant may not get enough air and begin to suffocate and decay.

If your plant baby is unable to thrive, there are a few solutions. Reduce the amount of H2O you feed your plant youngster. Paula Deen also recommends pushing a sharp instrument (such as scissors or chopsticks) into the dirt and forcing air in and out of it.


After being transplanted from the greenhouse, repotted, and delivered to its final destination, all plants go through an acclimation period. Some plants may appear dramatic as they adjust to their new home and surroundings. Lower leaves dying, droopiness, yellowing, or browning are common occurrences. It’s probable that your new houseplant will recover in a few weeks and start to look better once it has been adjusted.

Watering Issue

Over or under-watering is the most common reason for leaves to yellow or brown. It’s important to give your plants enough time between waterings; otherwise, the soil might become too dry. If you haven’t watered your plant in a while and the soil seems too dry, wet it down.

Make sure to check the soil at least once every two weeks to avoid overwatering or underwatering. nTo understand the watering process, watch our short video here.

Natural Process

Some older leaves may appear yellow and fall away. The lower leaves are most frequently affected.

Nutrient Deficiency

If you’ve had your plant for over a year and haven’t fed it any nutrients, it’s possible that it’s been deprived of food. We provide great plant food full of nutrients and mild on the roots.

How Do you Treat Leaf Spot Disease?

The first thing you should do if you suspect leaf spot disease is to move the diseased plant to a location in your home that is far away from other plants. Just to be sure, don’t water any of your plants from the top, as splashing water may spread the spores even more. Water your plants at the base until you are confident they are free of the fungus.

You may cure leaf spot disease by combining one tablespoon baking soda and one teaspoon mineral oil in a spray bottle with water. Shake the solution well before applying it to the infected plant’s afflicted areas. You may need to apply the diseased plant every week for a month to ensure that all fungus and spores are destroyed.

How Do You Prevent Leaf Spot Disease?

The fungus that causes leaf spot disease thrives on low air circulation and dampness. To prevent this sickness from spreading throughout your garden, water the plants at the base rather than from above. Make sure there is adequate ventilation between the plants so that they do not touch each other.

Water the plants in your outdoor garden early in the morning, while the moisture on their leaves evaporates. If there are areas of your garden with thick foliage, thin it out. Disinfect your pruning or cutting tools after each usage with a 10% bleach solution to ensure that they are clean. Remove as many fallen leaves and debris from your plants’ bases as possible, then recycle them properly.

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